Resonance Water

Active Alkaline Mineral Water

Natural acidity found in our daily food and water intake can cause great harm to our bodies. A healthy body is mildly alkaline with a pH level of 7.35 to 7.45; however hectic lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits cause our body to produce a large amount of acid. In order to buffer the acidity level in our body and enrich our bodies with revitalising minerals, Dr WHO created the ground-breaking Resonance Water.
Resonance Water is purified, active alkaline mineral water that not just helps hydrates, but due to its unique composition of alkaline minerals, can quickly neutralize damaging acid and reduce the workload on our kidneys.


Making Resonance Water
Resonance Water undergoes a stringent 3-stage purification process.

The first stage purifies regular tap water utilizing Granulated Activated Carbon cartridge to reduce up to 99.9 % chlorine and removes off-tastes, organic contaminants and odours.

The second stage then transports the water through the Ultrafiltration cartridge, removing fine particles, bacteria, algae, fungi and micro-organism up to 0.01micron.

At the last stage, water is put through the Silver Activated Carbon cartridge. This helps to inhibit bacteria growth in water, thereby removing odour and contaminants. This ensures that the water you consume is of the highest quality and taste.

The purified water then passes through the Resonance cartridge which contains alkaline forming minerals – calcium, magnesium and potassium. These help in buffering the acid and providing our body with the essential minerals that it needs.


What are the benefits of drinking Resonance Water every day?

A daily intake of Resonance Water helps buffer the acids in our system, and also replenishes our body mineral reserves with active calcium, potassium and magnesium ions– essential building blocks of life, so you have a ready supply of minerals when your body requires it.

Calcium is essential for human nutrition. The body needs calcium to maintain strong bones and to carry out many important functions. When human body become more acidic and the intake of alkaline-forming food is not enough to neutralize the acidity, then the body will use whatever calcium available, primarily our bones, to maintain pH balance.

Benefits of Calcium:

  • Increases bone mass during growth
  • Reduce bone loss preventing age related disease such as osteoporosis.
  • Contract muscles and helps regulate the contractions of the heart
  • Regulates the secretion of various hormones
  • Aids in the functioning of various enzymes within the body

Magnesium is essential for good health. Presences of magnesium ions are required for over 300 enzymes catalytic action which is important for keeping the body working properly. It is also vital in assisting calcium and potassium uptake. It dissolves excess calcium in the body.

Benefits of Magnesium:

  • Essential for energy metabolism, normal vascular tone, and insulin sensitivity
  • Transmission of nerve impulses, body temperature regulation, detoxification and the formation of healthy bones and teeth.

Potassium assists in maintaining proper acid-base balance in our blood. In order to maintain the cell membrane potential, cells keep a low concentration of sodium ions and high levels of potassium ions within the cell (intracellular). Low potassium within the cell may cause abnormalities in many biologic processes; including the cell volume, acid-base balance, production of RNA and Glycogen, and dramatically reduces the ability of the cells to support muscle contractions.

Benefits of Potassium:

  • Prevent water retention
  • Crucial to heart function
  • Skeletal and smooth muscle contraction
  • Important for normal digestive and muscular function